Lunes, Enero 2, 2012

9th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 9
Jesus of Nazarene is Risen!

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.
Reflection: [Jn. 20:19-20]

On the evening of that first day of the week,
when the doors were locked,
where the disciples were for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and showed them his hands and his side.
The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

By His resurrection,
Jesus proved His being God,
and He gave us the hope that we, too,
will share His resurrection when our time comes.
As St. Paul declares,
“If Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is useless.”
The suffering and death of Jesus is a preparation for His rising.
His suffering, death and resurrection
is the pattern of life for His disciples.

[Short Silence]

Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, we, too,
will end not in death, but with new life.

* (R) Lord Jesus of Nazareth, may we now renew ourselves
as we await our resurrection.

Lord of the living, may we enjoy life
and be delivered from everlasting death. (R)

Lord Jesus, You gave us the living Bread.
May Your Body lead us to life without end. (R)
Jesus, our Savior, cleanse us from our sins.
May we reap the harvest of eternal life
and be kept away from death. (R)

Christ, our Redeemer,
look with compassion on those who live without hope
and those who do not know You.
Bring them to the knowledge of the Resurrection
and to life in the bosom of the Trinity. (R)
[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
while we reflect on the wonder of Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
may this mystery touch our lives.
May we be like You in all things.
We are confident that You will listen to our petitions in this novena.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

8th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 8
Jesus of Nazareth founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.
Reflection: [Mt. 27:57-61]

When it was evening,
there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph,
who was himself a disciple of Jesus.
He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus;
then Pilate ordered it to be handed over.
Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean linen
and laid it in his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock.
Then he rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the tomb
and departed. But Mary Magdalena and the other Mary
remained sitting there, facing the tomb.

May the tender love that Mary, John,
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea showed the body of Jesus
bring us to a healthy respect for the dead,
whether they are our relatives,
friends or people we do not know.
They all need our prayers.

[Short Silence]

All creation will return to God through Jesus Christ,
because through His cross,
he opened the gate of heaven.

* (R) Jesus of Nazareth grant us Your pardon and love.

May greed and jealousy be removed from our hearts,
and may we put on the strength and gentleness of Your love. (R)

Lord, we believe that at the hour of death
we will be judged according to how we have put into practice Your teaching.
May we be constantly aware of our end and remain close to You. (R)

Remember those who hope in You while they live.
By your suffering and death,
grant them forgiveness of their sins. (R)
[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Almighty God, make our faith strong.
Grant that we may rise again,
together with Your Son Jesus,
who lives with You and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

7th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 7
Jesus of Nazareth founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

6th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 6
Jesus of Nazareth founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Reflection: [Mk. 15:25-30]

It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him.
The inscription of the charge against him read,
“The King of the Jews.”
With him they crucified two revolutionaries,
one on his right and one on his left.
Those passing by reviled him,
shaking their heads and saying,
“Aha! You would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days,
save yourself by coming down from the cross.”

Meditate the abuses that Jesus of Nazareth suffered from His people.
He allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross by His creatures.
All this He took upon Himself to make us realize the evil of sin.
The Word made flesh died out of love for us.
Jesus the High Priest offered His life for sinners.

[Short Silence]


We have a High Priest who remains with us in our weakness,
because He took upon himself our humanity
and became like us in all things except sin.

* (R) Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
who suffered death on the cross,
have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, You died and entered the glory of heaven.
Grant Your Spirit to those who believe in You. (R)

You sent Your followers to preach the Good News to all peoples.
Bless the men and women who proclaim Your kingdom to all. (R)

Take care of those who are sick and dying,
that they may feel the Father’s love for them.
Heal and strengthen them. (R)

Lord through the sanctifying power of the Holy Mass,
make us compassionate and loving persons. (R)
[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Lord Jesus, stretched in the cross,
grant us the light of truth and the fire of Your love
to guide our families and societies into everlasting life.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

5th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 5
Jesus of Nazareth founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: [Mt. 27:31-34]

And when they had mocked him,
they stripped him of the cloak,
dressed him in his own clothes,
and lead him off to crucify him.
As they were going out,
they met a Cyrenian named Simon;
this man they pressed into service to carry his cross.
And when they came to a place called Golgotha
(which means Place of the Skull),
they gave Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall.
But when he had tasted it, he refused to drink.

Strive to be with Jesus of Nazareth as He carries His cross to take away our sins.

[Short Silence]

The way of the cross gives us the strength to carry our cross on the way to heaven.

* (R)Lord Jesus of Nazareth, make us strong to follow your footsteps.

Lord Jesus you give consolation to the lonely,
the suffering, and the sick.
Lay your healing hands on them so that they may feel Your presence. (R)

Lord make us faithful witnesses in doing good. (R)

Deliver from evil all who travel by land, sea and air;
lead them safely to their destination. (R)

Have mercy on parents who fail in their duties,
on children who lose their way,
and on people who keep envy and anger in their hearts.
Show them love that they may turn back to You. (R)

[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Father in heaven,
in obedience to Your will,
Your Son, Jesus of Nazareth,
carried the cross for our salvation.
Grant that we, who believe in the mystery of the cross,
may share in the glory of heaven.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

4th Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 4
Jesus of Nazareth founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist
In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: [Mk. 15, 8-15]

The crowd came forward and began to ask him
to do for them as he was accustomed.
Pilate answered, “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?”
For he knew that it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed him over.
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd
to have him release Barrabas for them instead.
Pilate again said to them in reply,
“Then what (do you want) me to do with (the man you call) the king of the Jews?”
They shouted again, “Crucify him.”
Pilate said to them, “Why?” What evil has he done?”
They only shouted the louder, “Crucify him.”

So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd,
released Barabbas to them and,
after he had Jesus scourged,
handed him over to be crucified.

Jesus of Nazareth is king; He is God made man.
Let us put ourselves under His kingship.

[Short Silence]

Jesus of Nazareth You embraced all humans,
when you stretched Your hands on the cross to redeem us from our sins.

* (R) Lord Jesus of Nazareth, reign over our lives.

You created the universe.
May we see and experience Your care and love
in everything that happens in our lives. (R)

May we live holy lives, so that,
in our final moments in this world,
we may not fear the everlasting punishment. (R)

The new and never-ending covenant of God
and His people was sealed by Your blood.
Help us to be true to this covenant. (R)

O Lord, You bore the insults of humans,
notwithstanding Your kingship.
Give us courage to bear witness
to Your goodness and truth. (R)

[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Lord God almighty,
we offer this novena to You,
as Father of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene.
Bring us the peace that comes form Your reign,
and lead us to the life that has no end.
We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

3rd Day novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 3
Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: [Mt. 26, 36-68]

But Jesus was silent.
Then the high priest said to him:
“I order you to tell us, under oath, before the living God,
whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”

Jesus said to him in reply,
“You have said so.
But I tell you: From now on, you will see
‘the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power’
and ‘coming on the clouds of heaven."

Then the high priest tore his robes and said,
“He has blasphemed! What further need have we of witnesses?
You have now heard the blasphemy;
what is your opinion?”

They said in reply, “He deserves to die!”
Then they spat in his face and struck him,
while some slapped him , saying , “Prophesy for us, Messiah:
who is it that struck you?”

See the humility of the Nazarene,
as His holiness and divinity are trampled upon by the people
He has chosen to be His own.
He could have called down His angels
and sent fire to destroy them.
Nothing is impossible with God.
But he chose to suffer in obedience to the will of the Father.

[Short Silence]

Let us come before our loving Lord with full trust,
and ask Him for strength to hold on to our faith
in the midst of present danger and fear.

* (R) Lord Jesus of Nazareth, strengthen our faith in You.

Lord Jesus, You experienced suffering and death for our sake,
give strength to all who are suffering. (R)

Through Your victory on the cross,
listen to the prayer of those who weep; fill them with joy. (R)

Grant that we may unite ourselves to Your pain
by facing up to our responsibilities in life. (R)

Help us live the Good News so that,
through our word and deed,
we may reflect Your goodness to all. (R)

[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Lord God, our Father, lead us to the many beautiful lessons
that the cross of Jesus teaches.
Teach us and our families to bear our cross
so that we may be united with the suffering of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives forever and ever. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

2nd Day Novena of the Black Nazarene

Day 2
Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
I am heartily sorry for having sinned You and my neighbor.
You are my Lord and my Brother whom I love above all things.
Come and help me, not to sin again,
and led me into a new life.
I trust in Your loving forgiveness.

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus of Nazareth,
Your cross proclaims the wonder of Your love.
Teach us to reflect on Your suffering,
death and resurrection,
in order to have an unfailing faith in Your goodness that has no end.
You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: [Lk. 22:41-42, 44-45]

After withdrawing about a stone’s throw from them and kneeling,
he prayed, saying, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me;
still, not my will but yours be done.”
He was such in agony and he prayed so fervently
that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.
When he rose from prayer and returned from his disciples,
he found them sleeping from grief.

In Gethsemane, Jesus of Nazareth teaches us
to trust and obey the will of God
in the midst of hardships and trials in life.

Let us adore our Lord and Savior,
who, at the Last Supper,
entrusted to His Church the memorial
of His death and rising again.

May our prayers and coming to Mass give us the grace and courage to follow God’s will.

[Short Silence]

Lord Jesus of Nazareth, we thank You because,
through your death and resurrection,
You showed us the abundant fruit of obeying the will of the Father.

* (R) Lord Jesus of Nazareth, teach us to pray always.

Guard our thoughts and senses,
so that all that we do may be pleasing to You. (R)

Through Your suffering and death, You brought us everlasting life.
Give us the strength of the Holy Spirit,
so that we may never grow tired of serving You and our neighbors. (R)

By Your suffering and prayer at Gethsemane,
teach us obedience to God’s will I spite of hardships and trials in life. (R)

Help us to honestly and faithfully pray;
and not to do good only to be seen by people. (R)

[Pause for Personal Intentions]

Lord God, come and strengthen the hope and faith that You have given us,
so that we may truly experience Your presence in our lives.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(R) Have mercy and save us.

Blood of Christ, the only Son of the Father. (R)
Blood of Christ of the old and everlasting covenant. (R)
Blood of Christ that washes away my sins and the sins of the world. (R)
Blood of Christ that formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. (R)
Blood of Christ that flowed out while You were scourged at the pillar. (R)
Blood of Christ that covered Your face at the crowning of thorns. (R)
Blood of Christ, scorned by the people on the road of Jerusalem. (R)
Blood of Christ, emptying itself at the crucifixion. (R)
Blood of Christ, source of our salvation. (R)
Blood of Christ, river of mercy and forgiveness. (R)
Blood of Christ, that won over violence and injustice. (R)
Blood of Christ, refuge of the abused and the downtrodden. (R)
Blood of Christ, strength of those who suffer. (R)
Blood of Christ, consolation of lonely souls. (R)
Blood of Christ, hope of sinners. (R)
Blood of Christ, that makes strong the weak and the afflicted. (R)
Blood of Christ that leads the poor souls into heaven. (R)

Concluding Prayer:
Lord God, our Father, You willed that Your Son, Jesus,
died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Grant us the grace to be one with His suffering
so that we may be worthy to hope for a new life.
Help us to walk the way of Your commandments
and to serve You in our neighbors.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.